How Can We Save The Earth?

The earth is becoming more and more polluted every day. But there are some ways that we can help stop pollution.

  1. Say NO To Plastic

    Plastic is the number one thing polluting our earth. But luckily, it is very easy to switch to non-plastic things.

    Instead of using a plastic straw at a restaurants, bring your own from home

    Bring your own fabric bag to grocery stores instead of using their plastic bags. Ask the cashier to put the groceries into your bag. And for a bonus, it saves your parents money, too. Did you know that in some states you have to PAY for plastic bags?

2. Do Not Litter

If you are at a beach or a park, do not drop your trash on the ground. Animals could eat it and get sick, and it makes the area look dirty. If you see trash on the ground, then pick it up and throw it in the nearest trash can. If it is plastic, recycle it.

3. Recycle It

Get three trash bags. Put your plastic waste in one trash bag, empty cans in another, and your regular trash in the other one. Once all the bags are full, take the bag with plastic, and the bag with cans to a recycling center. There you can hand in your trash and get MONEY! So, if you need money fast and you have a lot of empty cans and plastic waste, then ask your parents to take you to the recycling center!

4. Reduce It

Another way the earth is polluted is because there is so much junk and trash! A way to help is this:

  1. When you have a party, use wooden forks, spoons, and knives instead of plastic ones. Or, if wooden ones aren’t available to you, then you could use metal ones from your kitchen. Also, instead of using plastic cups, use compostable cups. They work just as well as plastic ones.

  2. Another way to help is to make a compost. Here is how you do it:

    1. Get a medium sized bin

    2. Add a layer of brown leaves, just enough to cover the bottom.

    3. add a layer of greens, like grass and weeds.

    4. Add two more layers of brown leaves.

    5. Add another layer of greens.

    6. Add two more layers of brown leaves.

    7. Now your compost is ready. You can compost food scraps, plants, and egg shells. Every time you add something to it, pour some water over it and mix it around. every few months, add another green layer. It could take up to a year to compost your scraps. If you want to speed things up, add worms.